Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gratitude Is the Attitude

I stumbled across this entry the other day looking for something else and realized that without knowing it, it was this which I sought.  

We each have peaks and valleys, good days and dark days, moments of pleasure and of pain. We've all had opportunities to regret choices and decisions that have taken us farther away rather than closer to that which we desired. Sometimes there are ways to get back and other times we must live with the price we pay.

We each have been a prisoner of circumstance, heredity, genetics or serendipity and we all have been victims of what we see as an uncaring and unfeeling universe. Meet Nick Vujicic and realize, again (or for the first time) that the effective range of any excuse is far less than a meter. 
-bill kenny

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Man or Mouse?

We see ourselves as the self-anointed 'Crown of Creation.' I'm surprised more of us don't have dislocated shoulders from pat...