Tuesday, February 12, 2019

16 > 45

As a frighteningly homely person myself, I've always had a fondness for an observation from our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, whose 210th birthday is today. 

Mr. Lincoln grew a beard as an adult at the written suggestion of a young girl so he knew whereof he spoke in the looks department. 

And in responding to members of both his own party and those across the aisle who questioned his constancy as the War between the States dragged on, he rejoined to charges of hypocrisy that "if I were indeed two-faced why would I choose this one?" 

Honest Abe seems to have an insightful quote for any occasion which is why he's so often invoked by his successors in office. Well, all except one whom we all know already has 'all the best words.' 

Going out on a limb here, I'm guessing "azzhole" isn't one of them but it should be.
-bill kenny   


Adam Kenny said...

Lincoln is, and I think has always been, my favorite President. As destructive as the War Between the States was, it is frightening to think what would have become of this nation had someone of lesser stuff (45 leaps immediately to mind), been receiving the mail at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue rather than Mr. Lincoln.

It took we the people of these United States roughly one and one-half centuries to descend from Lincoln to Trump. A fairly steep drop in not very much time at all. One from which I hope there is an upward climb. The lives of my grandchildren may depend on it.

William Kenny said...

We devolved rather than evolved as a culture.

Once we reached a mindset that said "my ignorance is just as good (and maybe better) than your knowledge" we were cooked.

I was thrilled two-plus decades ago with the arrival/development of 24/7 news channels; I'm not so happy about them now. There's a fire hose of news and information that because we each make choices we end up closing nearly down to a trickle of the news we like/prefer.

Gone are Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, and Frank Reynolds all newspaper and radio news reporters before becoming TV news anchors. Now we have Hannity and Carlson and Maddow all offering opinions and observations rather than reporting facts.

Cable News is the echo chamber that paved the way for cretinous imbeciles like Gohmert from Texas, King of Iowa and Trump of New York.

Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

Many, if not most, of us are familiar with the poem " Trees ."  I've always enjoyed it for, among other reasons, because I gre...