Friday, February 1, 2019

Asimov Called It

This is what we get for electing a C-list celebrity from a fake reality show to the Oval Office.

Another cretin who doesn't grasp the difference between weather and climate. 
Except this one is the Cretin-in-Chief.

Note the account posting in response to the Cretin-in-Chief
Subject to your questions, Pantload45, this concludes the briefing.
We now return you to Fox and Friends, already and always, in progress

-bill kenny 


Adam Kenny said...

While the depth's of DJT's ignorance seem to become more and more unfathomable on a daily basis, every time I hear him treat climate and weather as interchangeable concepts, I wonder whether he is simply dense or, even worse, pandering to his base. We the people of these United States have morphed into a populace that - at least in terms of our elected officials - prefers sizzle over substance and elevates ignorance while assailing education.

He used his "man of the people" shtick to convince a lot of people - including a lot of desperate folks who'd been knocked onto the balls of their ass by life - that he was on their side and was the candidate best suited to address the concerns of working men and women. The percentage of people in this country who identify as DJT 'true believers' astounds and terrifies me. Maybe it's just me, and the fact that I earn my living as a lawyer, but facts matter to me. Evidence is important. Here in DJT's America at the close of the second decade of the 21st century, it is stunning to me how little either seem to matter to large segments of the population.

Almost makes me wish that instead of law school, I had gone to school to learn how to make fiddles or rosin. I suspect both will start selling like hotcakes sooner rather than later.

William Kenny said...

For my part, the more I hear him speak the more I wish I didn't understand English, not that he does. His contention yesterday his own Intel Chiefs, live on TV on Wednesday, were taken out of context in their remarks about threats, was beyond description in any language.

Adam Kenny said...

He's wedded to his own pathology. He lies reflexively because, again, his position is that the truth either does not matter or is something one can mold to suit one's own purposes. Incredibly, 30-odd% of the people in this country (if polls are to be believed) support him nonetheless.

Walt Kelly was right. We have seen the enemy and it is, indeed, us.

William Kenny said...

The most recent example of this is the poll this morning suggesting 52% of those voters who see themselves as Republicans feel even if (my favorite phrase right now) Russia interfered in the 2016 election, the interference didn't affect the outcome. A scary variation of Pantload's boast he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his supporters wouldn't care.

Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

Many, if not most, of us are familiar with the poem " Trees ."  I've always enjoyed it for, among other reasons, because I gre...