Sunday, April 28, 2019

Never Too Late for a Happy Childhood

I grew up with Mr. Wizard and hold Bill Nye the Science Guy in high regard (I'd put him in charge of NASA if I were the President. I'd pause so you could imagine the sequence of events necessary for that to happen, but we don't have that kind of time in this continuum), so I'm open to unending possibilities even if they seem to be implausible to others. 

An eye blink or so ago, we truly believed the world was flat, tomatoes were poisonous, and potato had an 'e' in it. We've come so far so fast, and yet still have so many known unknowns. We've spent a lot of time in parts of this country for the past decade and longer on evolution versus intelligent design and while I won't tell you my feelings on the issue, I do get more than a little sick of people who insist on telling me theirs, especially when they use a dogmatic tone of voice they think automatically turns their opinions into facts. Good luck with that, NOT.

This news item causes my brain to make my eyes go back and read the story again. I checked as best I could and believe this to be an actual legitimate news story, or as close as we come to them here in the age of bubble worlds and selective truths: 
Women who wear revealing clothing cause earthquakes.

"The West Coast has the sunshine, and the girls all get so tanned. I dig a french bikini on Hawaii island, dolls 
by a palm tree in the sand." Take a look at what's gone on out there since 1965 when California Girls topped the charts. Go ahead! Will someone please get Homeland Security on the horn and tell them to pick up one Mr. Brian Wilson. We have enough trouble right now, we don't need his help.
-bill kenny

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