Monday, March 23, 2020

Tenth Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act

I see the humor, even if it's dark, in almost anything even when it's inappropriate so it's kind of a gimme for me that in the midst of the most frightening health care crisis of my nearly sixty-eight years on this planet that today would overshadow the tenth anniversary of the creation of the Affordable Care Act, an anniversary that in a non-Plague moment in our history would spark as many hoots of derision as it would hosannas of praise. 

The tiny-handed, tiki masala-hued, incompetent grifter currently occupying the White House vowed to dismantle 'Obamacare' and 'replace it with cheaper and better health care' as his first act were he to be elected in 2016. He was elected, and he did try, with his own MAGAt Minions in control of both houses of the legislative branch and yet he, and they, failed miserably. 

Undaunted by his own ineptitude and incompetence Trump's attempting a piece by piece dismemberment via court challenges of individual provisions of the ACA up to and including a case currently before the Supreme Court that won't be argued until much later in this calendar year and perhaps not decided until well after the November elections which is certainly convenient for the Tangerine-Tinged Narcissist. And, yes, all of this is happening in the midst of a worldwide pandemic to which, so far, this country's leadership (him) has responded badly (I'm being kind).      

Ignoring that all but a handful of nations around the world already have universal affordable care and only here in the United States does the phrase 'pre-existing condition' have any meaning at all (and is used exclusively to punish sick people), here are reminders, courtesy of Andy Slavitt) of what life before the ACA was like and what's at stake as the Trumpkins continue their assault on the Affordable Care Act.

INSURANCE COVERED ONLY WHAT INSURANCE COMPANIES DECIDED: Before the ACA, pregnancy, mental health, many prescription drugs were routinely not covered. The ACA brought 10 essential benefits, requiring a standard that all 10 are covered.

LIFETIME LIMITS- 60% of employer plans had a lifetime limit. Every year, 20,000 new people would hit that limit, ending their insurance.

PREVENTIVE CARE: Because of the ACA, 150 million Americans now have access to free preventative benefits without a co-payment or deductible.

DENIALS: Before the ACA,  health insurance could be routinely declined based on your health conditions. 27% of adult Americans have a health condition that would result in them getting denied coverage. 

RECISSIONS:  Before the ACA, insurers were permitted to cancel your entire policy after you bought it and were diagnosed with an expensive illness. This happened to about  10,000 people a year most often for cancer..

UPCHARGING: Before the ACA, you could be denied insurance for having any of these conditions or, you could be upcharge: $4270 more for asthma, $17,060 for pregnancy, $160,510 for metastatic cancer. 

DRUG COSTS FOR SENIORS: Since the ACA, 12 million seniors have paid $2000 less for their Rx drugs.

COMMUNITY HOSPITALS: Before the ACA low income and middle-class people and families couldn’t afford many of their bills. If the ACA is repealed, they will see a $1.1 trillion increase in bad debt as people go bankrupt again in record numbers.

AGE TAX: Before the ACA, people over 50 could be charged 10x more than they are today. Under GOP proposals, they could be charged $12,000 more than they are today for the same insurance.

CARE FOR VETERANS, PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS OR IN RECOVERY: 2.8 million people with substance abuse issues, 1.25 million in mental health treatment, and 42% of vets would lose coverage if the ACA were repealed..

VIRUSES AND PANDEMICS: Before the ACA, vaccines were available to only those who can afford them. The ACA made them freely available to the public.

INSURANCE COMPANY PROFITS: Before the ACA, insurance companies could routinely spend only 40-50% of your premiums on medical care. Now they must spend at least 80% thanks to the ACA resulting in billions of dollars sent back to consumers.

YOUNG ADULTS CUT OFF AT 18: Before the ACA, once you turned 18, you were cut off from your parents' plan. Now 2.3 million kids are covered as you can stay on until age 26.

PEOPLE WItH UNDER $100K IN INCOME. Most could never afford quality insurance. Now, most can for $75/month or less, some with $0 premium. 10 million have gotten insured for the first time since then.

WORKING CLASS MOBILITY: Before the ACA people were stuck in big company jobs which were dwindling. After the ACA, vocational degrees, adult Ed, small businesses and new businesses skyrocketing, part of creating 17 million new jobs.

UNINSURED RATE: The uninsured rate dropped dramatically from the ACA. If ACA is repealed the rate will jump to where it used to be. 

WOMEN: Before the ACA, a small portion of the population called women were routinely charged 50% to multiples more than men. And only one state required maternity coverage. 

So much for the "good, old days."
-bill kenny

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