Saturday, April 18, 2020

What Is the Truth and Where Did It Go?

The music of Bob Dylan and his Blood on the Tracks album got me through the fevered last days of the Richard Nixon Presidency which was as bleak a moment in our nation's history to my memory as we have ever had up and including the carnage and destruction of the attacks of 9/11/01.

Until now, that is. 

Fueled by the manifest ineptitude and incompetence of the Apricot Asshole, a man devoid of intelligence, lacking empathy for those around him (or even acknowledging their existence), mistrustful of anyone he sees as smarter than himself and so insecure he sees everyone as a threat, whose dithering and delay compounded what would have been a horrible health threat elevating it into something catastrophic that has killed over thirty-thousand of us with no end in sight and little agreement of what 'getting better' afterward from it will look like. 

Into all of this unrelenting cheerlessness for those of us who are sheltering in place, contrasted with the dry-mouthed horror of those in public health and safety positions supported by literally millions whose compensation even in the best of times is barely minimum wage but who are working every day to make life for the rest of us bearable, into all of this, comes incredible new music from Bob Dylan.

Just when we needed it the most.
-bill kenny

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