Saturday, April 4, 2020

Within You, Without You

I normally spend a large amount of time by myself and for the most part, am pretty content with the company I keep. In these times of social distancing and life and love among the ruins of Contagion, I have rediscovered my fondness for the small things. 

Crocuses in our side yard
I used to overlook so much as I hurried from one monumental moment of my incredibly important life to the next in my unheeding and headlong haste to master the next challenge. I'd forgotten (or hoped to at least) that as I got older, I'd get slower but right now, the pace of the pandemic encourages me to linger if not loiter at points of interest along the day I might have otherwise ignored or been entirely oblivious to. 

We see ourselves as the crown of creation but when I look around in the world I wonder if we disappeared if we'd be missed and I fear I know the answer. And I then remember Mom's admonition to never ask the question if you can't stand the answer.  
-bill kenny

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