Saturday, April 25, 2020

With a Bleach Chaser

We spend a little more time everyday punting on decisions and events, it seems to me. The times being what they are with certainty in short supply everything and everyone becomes subject to change. 

Transoceanic contrasts can be startling. The Governor of Georgia has reopened parts of his state to include bowling alleys and tattoo parlors though I'm not sure how the concept of social distancing with the latter is supposed to work unless the tats are being spray-painted. 

Across the ocean, in Munich, Germany, the 2020 Oktoberfest has already been canceled, which is probably just as well since watching those who've over-imbibed try to yak through a face mask is not my idea of a great visual.

And while beaches in Jacksonville, Florida, are filling up with hopefully many of the same folks who couldn't understand the intricacies of hanging chads a generation ago (it's a fine line between herd immunity and thinning the herd), the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany, that began in 1633 in thanksgiving for a miracle that spared the village from the ravages of the Bubonic Plague has been postponed because of the current plague.  

16th-century plague doctor mask at the German Museum of Medical History
And now comes word that the Insane Clown Posse (not to be confused with the Apricot Asshole's COVID-19 Response Team) has decided to cancel this year's Gathering of the Juggalos

Some day we'll have tall tales of stark deprivation and brave sacrifice to share with our grandchildren, assuming we haven't killed ourselves drinking Lysol.
-bill kenny

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