Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Silence Is Not Always Golden

It's always intriguing how much easier a task, any task, appears from the bleachers. Theodore Roosevelt had some thoughts about the difference between doing and watching that I think about as I peruse my downloaded copy of the Norwich City Manager's proposed budget while it moves from presentation through public hearings to formal adoption. 

Safe at home, behind my keyboard, things are much simpler and clear-cut for me and I need to remind myself of that always. 

Across the state, our Hartford legislators and Governor continue to evaluate and differentiate between what services are needed and which ones we can continue to afford (and the price), with the neighbors we've elected here in Norwich having to make do with what's left. Not an easy task with the rate of annual inflation at over 8%. Dollars must come from somewhere, or cuts have to be made.

Early last month the City Manager offered his vision of a version of a budget and articulated his rationale for its formulation, with the various city departments each testifying before the City Council as to what they needed and why as well as what they hoped to accomplish.  

We’ve had ample opportunities to offer suggestions on where to spend and where to save (and why), but I confess to being both disappointed and annoyed because from what I watched I’m not sure that many of us understood the assignment. It seemed more of those who should have said something chose silence while so many who did speak used their time to say 'no' to just about everything.

I’ve celebrated thirty birthdays here, more than in all the other places on earth I've lived combined, in a city where I wasn’t born, and have had people chide me for not knowing much about Norwich, because as they say ‘you’re not from here.' But I’m from here now. And I've learned we all have different visions of what Norwich is and could/should be depending upon our perspective and where we choose to look. 

Talking about how each of us sees this city, and how we create a shared vision of Norwich is an important conversation that we struggle and fail to have every year (at least since I've lived here). 

It takes more energy to be a light than to be a horn (to offer ideas instead of just naysaying) and I'm reminded of that during every budget deliberation. I used to say it makes me smile, but it's more like a grimace, which from a distance looks pretty much the same. 

If you didn’t speak Monday night when the Council adopted a preliminary budget, I, too, understand the importance of the word 'preliminary,' but the second (and so far, final) public hearing is this coming Monday, May 9th, and it could be your last opportunity to make your voice heard. 

If you have a phobia about public speaking or are social distancing, call the members of the City Council or send them an email (all the contact information is right here).

Someone once told me 'he who hesitates is lunch,' which is why I always have a napkin in my trousers pocket because you just never know. But what I do know is no one can hear the words you don't say, so speak up and speak out. We may not be able to do everything, but together we can do anything. 
-bill kenny

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