Monday, July 17, 2023

Sugar in the Evening

For thousands of years (seemingly), all across the Interwebz on every social platform has been some variant of the slogan, "Everything Will Kill You, So Pick Something Fun." 

I don't expect or suspect that many of us picked aspartame, but like Banquo's Ghost, it showed up anyway.  Bingo, I guess.

Or, according to the report, maybe only kind of?
"The designation means that some of the research reviewed by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) shows that there may be a possible link between aspartame and liver cancer, but that science is by no means conclusive like it is for a substance like asbestos or tobacco." 

Up next could be a study on the effects of putting asbestos or tobacco in your coffee or favorite dessert recipe. 

Science Marches On! Even if its direction is often a circle.
-bill kenny

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