Thursday, October 26, 2023

My Drone Sleeps Alone

I have a  cell phone that I use primarily to take photographs and to listen to music. It does many other things including making and receiving telephone calls. I just don't do either of those very well with it and have at times in the past handed the phone to passers-by while it was ringing and asked them to answer it for me because I lack the ability to do that on a recurring basis.  

I mention that because I wanted you to understand how desperately I want to have a drone camera. Not as bad as I'd like pony rides for my birthday but really close. I own two drone camera setups. One runs via an app on my phone and the other is a stand-alone with cards that you load into your computer. Both brochures and videos are very impressive. 

So impressive I'm afraid to take either one out of the box and try to use it. I have had each of them for well over a year or so and you've heard of the expression, 'when pigs fly'? I'm hopeful one of the porcine photographers will share their footage with me if you follow my drift. I'm afraid of crashing them into a house, a car, or a building of some kind, or losing them in the Uncas Leap Falls that I really want to get drone footage of from overhead, and never will because the drone is in the box it came in. 

And just today, I learned a whole NEW reason to be afraid of flying a drone.
Make me an offer.
-bill kenny

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