Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Closing Time 2023

I grew up with the music of The Sixties (capitalized that way deliberately), most especially the post-Beatles (and all things British) invasion of the pop music charts. I mention that because I can quote rock music lyrics of that era (or epoch) in much the way more religious acquaintances can cite Scripture. 

John Lennon offered, "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is a reality." When he gave voice to his dreams through his music only then did we discover how many of those dreams we each shared.

As we near the end of another year of tossing and turning, perhaps our resolution, if not revolution, for the New Year might be to decide if we intend to wake up and (more especially) show up when it comes to making a difference or if we intend to treat one another to another heaping helping of more of the same and hope no one says anything that might require someone to actually do something.

I don't intend to fan the flames of communal memory and review the year past through Rose (City) colored glasses, though if you wanted to drink a cup of kindness, feel free, and if there are grounds in that cup of dreams, they came as part of the set. If you're willing to agree we're farther along than we were this time last year, I'll counter by noting we have a long way yet to go.

Somehow as we've struggled to reinvent our street, neighborhood, village, or city, with equal parts economic development, community involvement, and what seems at times to be some sort of alchemy, we've too often forgotten how we got here, separately, and how the only way we can move ahead is by doing so together.

Each of us has a specific reason, not merely emotional and/or physical inertia or exhaustion, that has brought us to Norwich, at this time and which keeps us here. It may be 'only one thing' for you or for me but added together each of our 'only one thing' adds up to many reasons. 

Just as no single drop of rain holds itself accountable for the flood that follows, while we may feel helpless when we feel we cannot do everything, we should realize we can each still do something. But then, as part of that realization, we must also do it.

We are fortunate to live in an area of the country that offers so much so close; from shopping through dining, athletic to artistic and everything in between. Norwich is a wonderful place to raise a family. If history is to be believed we've been doing that for 364 years, each generation in turn mindful of 'each one, teach one.'  

We each have a story to tell, the story of us, the story of how we came to be here and to be here together at this time. So many have waited for so long for "something good to happen in Norwich." Might I suggest perhaps we are the 'something good' we have been waiting for and if that is, indeed, the case, then we have waited long enough.

Let us begin 
from this instant on, even as 2023 is crawling to its inevitable end, to become the people we believe we can be, living in the city we know we can have. 

This rapidly approaching new year is perfect for a new beginning and for proving that we have a plan, a purpose, and a destination. It is high time we take ourselves along. Happy Next Year! See you on the other side.
-bill kenny

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