Friday, December 1, 2023

Happy Birthday and Other Musings

I guess it's official now, 2023 is in full "Hello, I Must Be Going" mode as this is the first day of the year's final month. Today is the birthday of my sister, Evan-now you come up with something good about it, too. Yeah, I know, tough going, right? I just finished counting days and subtracting them from the year and what we have left is all there is. Yipes.

Happy Birthday!

In January, I'd have stuck an ! on the end of that pes but no more. Why waste it now? All the poems, prayers, and promises we hoped to enjoy are nearly all past tense, and unlike Banquo's ghost, they didn't stick around long enough for us to savor or regret them. Hell, I don't know about you but I can't remember more than a handful of them without digging back through my daily journal and a lot of that reads like a travelogue from Bedlam.

We're about to begin Advent which means Christmas will be here in a moment and the New Year, which we'll embrace with the same enthusiasm we did its predecessor, will follow in short order. 
We're so busy struggling to live we don't seem to be enjoying life and that's a tight trick because whatever comes next is more a matter of faith than a statement of fact and that part of the carnival ride seems to be dark and quiet. 

I just hope
 it's not closed for repairs.

-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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