Monday, April 25, 2011

Zeros and Fractions

Happy Easter Monday and welcome to the working week.

The business of government doesn't take a holiday, or very much of one when it does close early, so this week in Norwich there's enough going on to qualify for the 'there's a lot going on' designation the the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency slated for this afternoon at five in Room 210 of City Hall has now been cancelled because of a lack of quorum (which is cousin of quid pro quo).

Tuesday afternoon, at 3:30, in the school's Central Office at 90 Town Street, it's a meeting of the Board of Education Policy Committee and their most recent meeting minutes are.....well, then perhaps over...nope....not there either. Maybe the blogger should handle the posting of meeting minutes or perhaps the Board should fold their website into the blogspot, based on traffic and usage.

At five, the Harbor Management Commission meets in Room 219 of City Hall (insert obligatory marina ownership joke here. Oops! Looks like danielsr12 beat me to that punch line). How about someone getting the commission's meeting minutes on the city's website in a more timely manner? Last August's and this January's are the two most recent and that's not even close to the half of them.

At six, in their conference room in their offices at 16 Golden Street, it's a regular meeting of the Norwich Public Utilities' Board of Commissioners and (also) the Sewer Authority.

At seven, in the basement conference room of the Planing Department at 23 Union Street it's a special meeting of the Plan of Conservation and Development Sub-Committee of the Commission on the City Plan (PoC&DSCofCotCP) to lay out the scope and scale of services for whomever is hired to help write the next ten year plan (I'm way more concerned with who is going to read it. Sorry, inside joke).

Wednesday at 5:30 in the Planning Department's conference room at 23 Union Street, it's a regular meeting of the Dangerous Buildings Board of Review. At 6:30, the same members, as the 751 North Main Street Advisory Committee, will meet in the same location.

The city's website suggests there's a meeting of the Board of Education's Space Committee (motto: 'to infinity and beyond!') in the middle of this afternoon, but the Board's website, which I mock without surcease, suggests the meeting happens every other month.

At seven, the Norwich Golf Course Authority meets in their conference room at the golf course on the New London Turnpike. You'll find their draft March meeting minutes here, though there weren't a lot of sub-committee reports within the minutes so I didn't understand where the observation that 'the greens are in good shape' came from unless Mark Twain had finished his walk.

And at seven thirty, in Room 335 of City Hall, it's the next to last installment of the departmental budget hearings, conducted by the City Council with various city departments. This time around, the assessor's office leads off followed by the Board of Education. My evil twin, Skippy, marvels at how many of us turn up at Council meetings to complain about budget bottom lines without ever going to any meetings on how the budgets are developed. I've reminded we're not only entitled to our own opinions, but to our own facts as well.

Thursday morning at 7:30, in their offices at 77 Main Street, it's a regular meeting of the Norwich Community Development Corporation. You can get a copy of their previous meeting minutes, as opposed to simply posting them online apparently (and in compliance with state law), from the same place you can get the agenda, here.

Saturday morning, after you've fed the chickens, you may want to join the City Council at eight in the Yantic Volunteer Fire Department, just down the street from the Hale Mill Hotel That Really Isn't (for another 25K, Doyle could have a marina!), for a public hearing on the emergency services budget submissions, to include the police, Emergency Management and both the volunteer and paid fire departments.

Hopefully, between and among all of these meetings, we'll see some nice weather (= dry and warm) with a chance to actually enjoy Spring since April this year, for the most part, "arrived like a day and passed like a cloud. I made a wish--I said it out loud. It was the Talk of the Town."
-bill kenny

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