Sunday, March 1, 2015

Star-Crossed in Leisure

The first two months of this New Year are all used up already. Fertig, vorbei, in the rear-view mirror. I’ve still got New Year’s resolutions to make and the first sixty (metaphorically speaking) days are already over. The calendar no longer has that New Year smell.

We can plead weather in terms of distractions or barriers to accomplishment if we want-I do it all the time and am quite proficient at it, but truth to tell, what we haven’t started to get done yet in this year is whatever we had already concluded wasn’t that important to us in the first place. When you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there.

It’s not really a question of enough time-who, among us doesn't have that sad complaint anyway? But if we were honest, we'd admit to ourselves, it's not true. We have as much or as little as we choose to allocate on whatever we so choose. Of all the randomness in the universe, time and how we invest it, is about the only variable over which we have control.

So if you’re waiting for something, anything, before you start your next chapter in the story of you, stop waiting and start doing. I have some personal experience in this area and some recent history of people close to me that suggests waiting for the right time is an excuse masquerading as a reason that always proves to be a mistake. Be careful or you will find yourself echoing my favorite Dr. Seuss question, “How did it get so late so soon?

-bill kenny

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