Saturday, April 22, 2017

It's Just Eh?

Happy Earth Day 2017! I would have gotten you a card but I always worry about where it might end up, recycling bin or land fill and saw no need to take that risk, especially with a corporate captive like current Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency standing the watch. And with the current Secretary of Education, how long before reading becomes a lost art?

Anyway. In terms of talking about being reassured on protecting Spaceship Earth, about all we can do is talk about it because if we're looking to the Fed to set the tone it'll be a little like trying to keep the deck chairs from going over the side of the Titanic (but with the even less actual success, I fear).

This is all the planet there is, as far as I am concerned. I was almost eighteen when I and a contingent of classmates from the Carteret Academy in West Orange, New Jersey, marched down NYC's Fifth Avenue in the first Earth Day celebration in 1970. Okay, we'd gotten lost while in The City for the day ( a senior trip of sorts, class not citizens). Not quite sure who it was, but someone figured the parade would be a great chance to meet girls. Who cares why we were there! Still.

I thought then and think now if we work to make the place on the planet upon which we stand and live the very best we can, each of us can rescue all of us. So not just today, but every day, when you see something, environmental or otherwise that causes you to say 'somebody should do something!' please remember you are that somebody.

Me, I just bear up my bewildered best and some folks even see the bear in me.
-bill kenny  

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