Saturday, June 23, 2018

Thank You, Interwebz!

As a kid, one of my favorite things to read, along with the Sunday Prince Valiant comic (which I still love to read), was Ripley’s Believe It or Not. In a pre-internet world, it was a classy variation of “News from the News Room Floor” or “The Dog Ate the Parts We Left Out” and for a wide-eyed kid who was struggling to grow up ‘somewhere in the swamps of Jersey,’ it was quite often a revelation.

I thought of all that Thursday morning when my hometown paper offered this news nugget: “Bridgeport Police: Man Doing Push-Ups in Street Likely High on PCP” Makes Red Bull's "Gives You Wiiings" pale in comparison, I think.

As a member of the FBI’s Fitness Protection Program, I’m always on the look-out for alibis and excuses to NOT take care of myself. Thanks, Man in Bridgeport! If I had heroes, you might be nearly one of them.

-bill kenny

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