Friday, September 4, 2020

How the Last Can Influence the First

I'm counting down the days until "Sleepy" (Hides in His Basement) Joe Biden debates that "Lying Weasel Racist" Donald Jenius Trump on Tuesday, 29 September at 9 PM, DST, on the campus of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.  In essence, the last Tuesday of this month could impact the first Tuesday of November.

I'm wondering if President Covfefe is already looking for someone to stand-in for him much like he did for his college entrance exams, and as happened when his draft board gave him deferments for college and later for bone spurs

I make no pretense at being impartial (or measured in my disdain for the Beige Buffoon); I'd like to see Biden rip his head off and shit down Trump's throat in the first ninety seconds, more or less as his opening statement.

I'm kidding of course. I don't care when Biden does it just as long as he does BUT BEFORE there's anything resembling a debate, how about a stage with just the two of them, no audience and one moderator and one fact-checker to call balls and strikes in real time. 

We'll use a chess clock to make sure neither of them wanders too far afield or gets so lost in the tall grass no one wants to go find them. But first, before any and all of that, as Biden already has, Trump must also release (finally) his tax returns.

And then we'll see what happens

-bill kenny 

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