Thursday, September 24, 2020


Figures lie and liars figure. 

If you doubt that, just look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in our nation's capital as the man who is not only the worst person in the history of the American Presidency but also the worst person in my lifetime to walk the planet, continues to deny and deflect about his responsibility even as the death toll from his indolence and inattention in reacting to COVID-19 grows daily.

Each a life. Each a tragedy.

This hate-filled orange pus bag of an incompetent and immoral abomination needs to be sent packing on 3 November. And before you ask, no, there's no place hot enough in all of Hades for him and anyone who has enabled him.
-bill kenny

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Man or Mouse?

We see ourselves as the self-anointed 'Crown of Creation.' I'm surprised more of us don't have dislocated shoulders from pat...