Sunday, September 5, 2021

I'd Have Said the Right Thing

There's a cliche I heard a million times growing up that 'clothes make the man.' 

It was usually said by my mother and usually offered while she picked out the clothes I was to wear. Be it to school, to church, to a backyard playdate, packaging was important. I was still the same old stumble-bunny inside but, damn, I looked fine.

What does your brain think when you look at this picture? 

How about 'Come to Campbell's Country'? Or 'Mmm-Mmm, Marlboro'?

Yep, times are tough when you don't weaken. What things look like can be and often is more important than what they are, at least as posited by The New Yorker's Dahlia Gallin Ramirez.

That package for Ground Beef adds credence to that long ago Bob Dylan observation about pumps and vandals.
-bill kenny

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