Sunday, October 10, 2021

Between Jumping and Shooting the Shark

Three weeks from today is Halloween (insert whatever number of exclamation points you deem necessary; I feel no need). Our children are in their late and middle Thirties respectively so I have ZERO interest anymore in a totally fabricated holiday. 

That means you can take the decorations, the greeting cards, the theme parties, and all the costumes and shove them up your attic (could be kids reading, and why take a chance?). 

And why am I so angrily intolerant about an otherwise harmless get-dressed-up-and-eat-candy- until-you-fall-into-a-diabetic-coma holiday? I don't know. Maybe 'cos of shit like this?

Yeah. What's not to love about a cat shark costume? And with just three weeks until Boo-Day, why not splurge on this little item? Yeah, on average over half a million of us across the country are homeless on any given day of the year, but just because we're hypnotized that don't mean we can't dance. And remember, the BIG candy bars are the fun-sizes.
-bill kenny

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