Saturday, October 2, 2021

Eventually We All Make the List

I'm becoming demoralized about how far down I have to scroll online when filling out a form for a good or service that asks my year of birth. All that's missing as I roll the trackball is a balloon to pop up that reads 'seriously?' as I continue to downward roll picking up speed and momentum but, alas, no further wisdom along the way. 

I've told people for decades who'd noticed my stunning lack of skills that I was always more decorative than functional but as I've aged that excuse has started to wear as thin as most of my other attempts at humor. 

It was with some trepidation that I approached this link, from The Saturday Evening  Post, fearful that I might find myself named and enumerated on their list.   

You can exhale now. You're not there, either. I checked for both of us.
-bill kenny

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