Monday, October 4, 2021

Like Golf on the Radio

As my wife and children can attest, the concept of wealth, earning it and keeping it, has for most of the 69.47 years into the only trip I'm getting on this orb very much eluded me. 

Not that I don't admire the idea behind the accumulation of anything, be it drachmas, dollars, or the Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination (or QUID). Until you clicked on the link back there, <==, admit it; you thought I was making that up. And after all we've been through together. You have cut me to the quick.

In recent months I've even seen standalone machines in the nearby mall in Waterford trying to sell me Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Of course, the website has nice things to say; the people who make Bitcoin made the website. 

But wait! There's more! (I got a deal on exclamation points, so enjoy). There are other make-believe currencies, far more than I'm comfortable trying to enumerate, to underscore just how arbitrary our accepted financial systems actually are.  

And while you might have, as do I, a financial advisor and planner to help make what you've got in the currency of your choice go as far as it can for as long as it can (and thank you, again, Patrick Kenny), who's to guide you as a Stranger in a Strange Land of cryptocurrency?

Mr. Goxx. Why? Because, of course. Proving again that every time you say 'that's the craziest thing I've ever heard!' you should bite your tongue, count to ten and prepare to say it again. Because, of course
-bill kenny

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