Saturday, February 18, 2023

Define "By Popular Demand"

I don't get out much anymore. Admittedly, I do get a little more than some in my neighborhood would like but that's only because I'm able to chew through the restraints. 

One of the (many) things I've noticed as I've aged is how far out of the mainstream I've drifted. I don't pretend to know how or why it happened and I fear it's been more by accident than design but I've been stuck playing short fielder for so long I've lost track of whose team I'm on (and so have they). 

When a news report uses the phrase, 'back by popular demand' I think it should follow as night the day, that whatever it is REALLY is back by popular demand.

As for this item, a beverage, technically, I'm thinking not so much.
-bill kenny


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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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