Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Putting the Auto in Auto-Erotic

We Americans to the amusement and bemusement of much of the rest of the planet deeply and truly love our motor vehicles. If we could, we'd take them into shops and/or schools, and speaking from first-hand experience, don't get us started when somebody's shopping cart dings our parked car. It's not pretty.

Into all of that comes the Rezvani Vengeance, the answer to a question we are all too afraid to ask. 

If you think the vehicle speaks to those of us concerned about safety, perhaps you need to clarify to whom you are asking the question. I found this nugget in the article: "According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, drivers behind the wheel of an SUV are two to three times more likely to kill a pedestrian in a collision than when driving a regular car."

Automobiles as a means of population control? All of this leads me to believe as a shoe-leather advocate, the safest place to be around the Vengeance is inside a building and away from the sidewalk
-bill kenny

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