Monday, February 13, 2023

"It All Happened So Fast"

I like to think I stay up on current events and have an interest in the world beyond the tip of my nose and for the most part, I suppose I do. Perhaps, like you, I get either distracted by or bogged down in minutiae to the point where tracking what's important loses out to what's shiniest. 

I fall victim to the trap of 'if they are the loudest, they must be the smartest," with the saving grace being I never really learn just what I've lost by living that way.

Here's a memory-flogger as disc jockeys used to say back in the days of AM rock and roll radio.

At the time, he was a genius, wasn't he? And now? 

I think Shelley's Ozymandias might be able to teach him a thing or three (assuming he was interested in learning), none of which would have anything to do with gas mileage or with passing on the left.
-bill kenny 

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