Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dear Reality, You Win

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln. So sad the nation of which you were President and for which you gave your life has a ‘let’s make this holiday stuff convenient’ policy that rolls yours and George Washington’s birth anniversaries onto a day that’s neither of yours to honor all Presidents including  many of whom we do not know. To you of the 2012 Class of William Henry Harrison High School in Tippecanoe County, West Lafayette, Indiana, Salute!  Your home room assembly Friday lasted nearly as long as Bill’s term of office. Sic transit  Gloria.

Elsewhere, on a small planet in a minor galaxy around a dying star…When I have a fair amount of luck and am heading down a slope with a tailwind, I can on occasion create a moment of whimsy and/or lightheartedness that might charitably be regarded as funny. Meanwhile, beyond the confines of my keyboard, nature and the real world run riot and when they intersect, Andrew Toothman ensues.

I know-this is the kind of story that less than a thousand words does not do justice. Heck with that! TEN thousand words barely break the surface. Where to begin: What brand of peanut butter? Smooth or crunchy? “Completely covered.” Oh, really, do tell! The Hershey’s and Toblerone folks are racing to make flight connections and assemble endorsement packages. The Godiva and Lindt combines are circling one another suspiciously, eyes glazed with mistrust and what seems to be a light frosting.   

I’m thinking there’s a shoe sponsorship arrangement in Andy’s future, perhaps on the Style Channel, but I’m wondering if he’s not better off sticking to slip-ons, and being shot from the waist up.  If it’s of any help, I did find his opening act if he takes the show on the road. Skippy! You got some ‘splainin’ to do.   
-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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