Friday, February 17, 2012

Fries with That?

Considering what fast-food restaurants (and what, again, is the difference between fast-food and casual dining anyway, aside from about four bucks per person per order) are spending on advertising, maybe they should concentrate on the news business where they seem to get a bigger bang for their buck.

I mean how memorable is “I’m Lovin’ It” Mickey D’s current slogan or “Hey! We’re Still in Business, Dammit!” from Burger King (I am NOT sad they ditched ‘the King.’ That guy was just creepy) especially in comparison to the exposure (literally) when you have a real news story like this one: “Police Lure Naked Man from LA Radio Tower with Hamburgers.” In your face, KFC! Boom, Chockalocka Boom!
I love this version of the story better, not just because there’s no mention of hamburgers, though there isn’t, but because of the large number of photos-and cleverly framed photos at that, which accompany the text.  Where’s Rod Stewart when we really need him, right? (Probably working on “American Songbook, Volume Whatever”)

I love how all the versions of the stories mention ‘believed to be from Arizona’ which, I suspect,  is LA-speak for ‘he’s not homegrown!’ Some early versions of this story reported he sang ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers’ while later updates noted he whistled it (did you see the comments from the YT posters? Zero to nutso in under five seconds).

That, my friend, is some kinda whistling! And I don’t mean Dixie. Go ahead and try it-it’s pretty hard to do. Now, just to finish the comparison, take off all your clothes and climb up a service ladder on the side of a two-hundred foot tower. Wait four hours.  What do you mean there’s no ape in apricot?
-bill kenny

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