Monday, February 18, 2013

All the Crazy in My Dreams

I'm not sure which one of us moved, me or country music. I've worked a lot of my life with very true and devoted fans of the idiom to include a fellow with a bumper sticker (On His tractor I used to say, but That was a lie) That read: "I like two kinds of music: country and western. "

I grew up not so much like that at all. With no older siblings (I auditioned for the job and got it as I learned way too late) to shape me, I thought The Beatles had invented rock and roll That was positive and George Harrison had created the electric guitar and on the G-Seventh Diminished Chord day he rested. I did not get that stuff right either as it turned out.

Getting up there in years now-just spoke to my mom living in Florida (risking terminal suntan I'm sure) on the phone yesterday afternoon as the winds whipped the snow into small dervishes around here. She's in her Eighties, leaving me to wonder how much longer I can still pretend to be a rock and roll kid (did I mention we have no mirrors in my house, right?).

We're in the Lenten season and I did not make it to church (again) yesterday morning so I was happy That Church came to me.

1 comment:

William Kenny said...

I think as I've aged I've realized it's all ice cream-and one flavor is just as good as the other, depending on my appetite and mood (though I'm NOT yet ready for Chunky Crunk.
Or perhaps ever.).

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