Friday, December 27, 2013

Last Tango in Paris

I usually look at the calendar with such hope as the old year is ending and the new one begins. I had a lot more time in 2013, between sequestration and furlough, to cogitate on the politics of the possible just about every day of this soon to be over year. And my already shriveled and blackened heart got a little more of both.

I think my big lesson learned is no one looks out for you like you do and if you voted for anyone in any election at anytime this or in any previous year in the belief/hope s/he was looking out for you, I hope you kept your receipt because you will need it to file a claim for reimbursement, sucker.

That Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious you have had is that no one speaks for us Out Here in the Middle and, as such, a gesture of any kind is of no value or worth and you've already guessed what gesture I mean.

I'm thinking perhaps for those of a let's-make-a-New-Year's-Resolution bent and as a more effective punishment, and punishment's the word I choose deliberately, why NOT vote for anyone (and everyone) with an R for political affiliation this next election cycle.

I concede for me, the rationalization is pretty easy; my heart is on the left side of my body and my thinking reflects my biology. But pragmatist that I am, unless and until the Republican Party rids itself of the TEAliban, the GOP is a lost cause and unfit to be considered for partnership in governing.

You are correct to ask if such willful, arrogant shortsightedness hurts the election of some otherwise very good and kind people? Absolutely. But for those who think it takes two to tangle, tango or talk (you and me), please remember last fall's causi bellum, the Affordable Care Act, was and is the law of the land, NOT proposed rosy-eyed legislation. The attempt to 'defund' it was and remains the epitome of irrationality and spite. 

Meanwhile the current hardship being visited on millions of Americans whose unemployment benefits expired before they did, is totally avoidable, if reasonable and caring people can do both in sufficient quantities to mark the start of the New Year. If not, I remain stuck standing by my proposal of vindictive voting.

Here's my silver lining for you: once we've thinned the herd on the Far Right, we can turn our attention to the nut jobs on the far left of the Democratic Party and plow them under as well. Suspect they'll be a little less obstreperous once they see the political fate that has befallen their starboard leaning companions. 

Then, quite frankly, those of us remaining should be in fine voice to sing a truly National Anthem. Please stand and remove your head cover.
-bill kenny

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