Friday, December 13, 2013

What Next? Close an IHOP?

Not too far from where I live is a store I've never shopped in called "The House of Doors." To my knowledge they don't have a Facebook page but I'll bet some people would like it. How many is a matter of speculation beyond the scope of this column, surprisingly, but unlike House of Cards, sometimes the ending can be seen well in advance of the action.

I believe in literature what I just offered you is a variant of a technique referred to as foreshadowing. You're welcome. Have a snuggle. Now you're really welcome.

Sometimes I despair that the American entrepreneurial spirit is gone. Even in bastions of free thinking and other things blowing in the wind like Madison, Wisconsin, 'the man' comes out on top. No pun intended.

So much for hugs not drugs much less tugs, but let's not go there, okay? And I was thinking we were moments away from a whole new answer to 'how do you spell relief?' And now we can't even ask for a show of hands as to who understood the question.

With employment across the country being the way it is, spare a thought for those now out-of-work snugglers. How'd you like to put that down on your employment history especially since there's so little space to explain what it isn't. On the other hand how hard is it to draw a wink? ;-)> [I have a beard for that Mall job.]
-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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