Friday, July 1, 2016

Because of Sam, We Am

Do you have off today, kind of as a stealing a march on Independence Day? A lot of us are, I hope and guess, because it will help me not feel so bad about skipping out of work today. No, I did not call in well; I took a day of vacation which means everyone with whom I work gets a break as well. I'm thoughtful like that.

At ten this morning at the Norwichtown Colonial Burial Ground, and though it's not my event I'm inviting you to come because it's a part of our Fourth observations and I think once I tell you about it, you might want to make it part of yours as well, there's a wreath-laying ceremony to honor Samuel Huntington.

Samuel Huntington was Connecticut's 18th Governor, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence and First President of the United States under the Articles of Confederation which is what the rebelling colonists formed after fighting the British Crown and which preceded the creation of our Constitution.

There will be some speeching because there always is (and I'm not suggesting there shouldn't be, just not a lot of long speeching I hope), some fife and drum corps music and marching (probably simultaneously), a song or two from Tom Callinan, Connecticut's First State Troubadour (but no matter how high up you hold the lighter, he still will not play 'Whipping Post,' man; do not ask how I know this). There's plenty of room and you can stand next to me (I usually have snacks and will share).

Most importantly there will also be a moment or more for each of us who will be gathered to consider the risk and danger every single Revolutionary War Patriot was in by opposing the most powerful nation to ever exist to that time on our planet.

And for us to thank all who took that risk as we honor a hometown hero (Samuel Huntington was born just up the road in Scotland, Connecticut and settled in Norwich) and rededicate ourselves to the ideas and ideals Huntington and tens of thousands of others, whose names we'll never know, did what needed to be done so we can be the persnickety pains in the posterior to one another that we so and too often are.

Certainly hope we are worth all that trouble. It might be nice if we started acting like we are. We have a holiday weekend to think about all that has been and figure out how to make what's yet to come better.
-bill kenny

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