Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Hint of the Century

When we were kids, Ash Wednesday was a serious point in the calendar even if all we really got out of it was the realization we were supposed to give something up for Lent whose First Sunday is today (already?). Easter and rebirth and resurrection is at hand. 

It's been decades since I gave something up for Lent (truth to tell, I failed my faith and gave up Lent but then kept on living) and I've rationalized my failure by pointing out to myself that since I always went back to whatever I gave up (usually something to eat as opposed to a behavior change), I hadn't really changed at all, so surrender cost nothing because it was worth nothing.

And then I look around me, and see where we are and where I am in the midst of all of that and realize I didn't run backwards or stop running at all in order to be here (nor did any of us) but rather, just ran a step slower, a step less resolute, perhaps a shorter footfall until the distance grew inexorably between where we wanted to be (and knew we had to go) and where we were to end up, so far behind we could no longer see those up ahead.

And when the distance between us was too great to ever fill, we stopped and have forgotten how to start again. Which makes all of what leads up to Easter more important as part of a beginning than as part of a continuum because I think I saw you try.
-bill kenny

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