Monday, July 16, 2018

If You Care, You Swear?

Suspect this is NOT what the editors of Reader's Digest were driving at all those years ago with their notes about 'towards more picturesque speech', but it's a lot easier to remember and way more fun to read. 

Having read the summary of the study, more than once, and swearing to get in the spirit on at least one occasion, I'm surprised it's not much louder at every public meeting we have in this country but, based on my everyday sojourns in social media I'll concede it's pretty much loud everywhere right now, has been for some time and will continue for who knows how long. 

I'm not suggesting we should sponsor contests to see if we can peel the paint from the walls of Congress in terms of the coarseness of our language, though that idea is tempting and oddly appealing in light of what is happening down the street at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

I'm just not sure we can overcome the logistics challenges to assure there's an even distribution on all indoor surfaces as we move our fellow citizens from coast to coast and sea to shining sea. 

True confession time, I, too, do think of some technicolor participles (and other parts of speech not quite as mature as my mom might like me to use ) but I strive to NOT speak those words aloud while processing the thoughts that precipitate them, at least not too loudly. 

Like many of us, I have had instances in the past where my evil twin, Skippy, (what my Imp of the Perverse tends to answer to) has confused inside and outside voice and my ears have heard my mouth say things that I had truly hoped would remain secret. 

Now, if I can just work hypoalgesia into a sentence, ideally a limerick, it'll be a banner day. 
-bill kenny

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