Thursday, July 19, 2018

Pinocchio In Reverse

I guess if you were angry that we had a Kenyan Muslim in the White House, just about any choice you made for a successor would be hailed as an improvement even an aging and angry morally, mentally, ethically and financially bankrupt blustering and bullying buffoon who was both incapable of holding any elected office and incompetent of executing his constitutional duties once installed. Looks like you got your wish.

If he'd have only stuck to shooting his mouth off
I'm thinking we may be nearing the end of the line for all those who enable the Mango Mussolini with false equivalence arguments or who offer, as does Pantload45 himself, an unending stream of "whataboutisms" as some form of counter-argument to soothe their own troubled consciences about their willingness to aid and abet the abomination they installed in the White House. 

And the best part, and by that I mean the worst part, for me was his tortured and torturous (and failed) effort at blaming his catastrophic press conference performance on a double negative, as if Mr. "I Have All the Best Words" would recognize a double negative if it bit him where the Good Lord split him.

You can dip shit in sugar but it's still shit
So that I am clear: your guy is a scumbag. And the party of Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt that is now a willing vassal to his greedy, grasping machinations so long as their wealthy patrons get an even larger slice of the American Dream than the 99.8% of it they already have are undeserving of your support in any shape size or form for the rest of their lives and yours. 

Trump began life as a real man but is ending up as a puppet. Sic Transit Asshats .
-bill kenny   

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