Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hotter than Hooter in Heeter

Many think of me as someone who would bitch if hanged with a new rope. Perhaps, but I prefer to see myself as a Man of All Seasons. 

When it's winter, I complain about the snow, the cold and the ice. In the spring, my allergies give me cause and I give everyone else an earful of complaints. Come autumn, I fret about the bare branches, the accumulating tree leaves and the approaching winter months. 

Of course this weekend, like tens of millions throughout the country, I shelter as I swelter and stay indoors, hydrate, and complain about the heat but not too strenuously because I don't want to break a sweat while so doing.  

On Saturday morning I attended a Norwich City Council Economic Development workshop at Foundry 66 and very much enjoyed the air-conditioning. On my way into the building, passing through the Artspace parking lot that abuts These Guys Brewing which is next door to Foundry 66, in the midst of what was already a hot and humid Saturday (the bulk of the morning and the heat of the day were still before us) I passed a rose bush growing through the chain-link fencing that demarcates the two properties (I am always amazed at where plants of all kinds can grow and thrive and wonder if we humans might be better off taking our example from them) and this rose pretty much jumped out at me. Made the whole morning worth it.

"Well, last night I slept in the open (it gets so hot in the city)."
-bill kenny

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