Saturday, December 28, 2019

It's Not Like Dr. Hook on the Cover of Rolling Stone

The January edition of Norwich Magazine has, gracing its cover, one of my most favorite reasons for living in Southeastern Connecticut (and don't accuse me of being a 'homer,' because my number of most favorite reasons fits on one hand if we leave out an obvious finger), the Hosmer Mountain Soda folks in Willimantic (they have a shop in Manchester but I have never been there).

I like that I can get their Birch Beer, which really should have been on the cover of the magazine, in Cafe Otis, another of my most favorite reasons for living in Southeastern Connecticut (see previous disclaimer) in downtown Norwich, and elsewhere, though more often than not I gladly make a trip to the shop in Willimantic and grab two or more six-packs of shorty bottles and vow to not drink them all on the ride back to Norwich (and sometimes keep my vow). 

There's no really deep message today (why should it be different from the rest of the calendar year?) except to remind you that #ShopLocal takes many forms, and in this case is delightfully carbonated as well.
-bill kenny

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