Sunday, December 1, 2019

The First Door Is Sunday on the Advent Calendar

When our children were, well, children, Sigrid made it a point to get each of them an Adventskalendar every Christmas season. She still does. It's another of the too many to count reasons I love her. Which leads me to muse (or murmur)...

Just me or has it been really hectic despite that "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" label we slap on this season? We've already had Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, with Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday both to come and in between we also had Where the Hell Did I Leave My Car Keys (perhaps only at my house?), all of which leads us to today, Sunday, but a whole lot more than just Sunday. 

Today is the First Sunday of Advent. You knew I was leading up to something and thanks for your patience while I worked to get us there safe and sound. Yes, it was a long walk but the view is lovely is it not? 

Still leaves, perhaps the question some may have as to its importance. Happy to help you out there. 

Feel free to use your tablet, smartphone, computer or search your heart to look up why.
-bill kenny

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