Wednesday, December 18, 2019

You Look Older Without Your Clothes On

One of my favorite Christmas customs, aside from amusing my wife and children with my ill-advised attempts to gift wrap presents, is enjoying "It's A Wonderful Life". Anytime it's on television I find the time to watch it even though we also have it on DVD and if I knew how to work the player I could, in theory, view it anytime I wish. (In much the same way as if I had ham I could have a ham sandwich. (If I also had some bread)). 
I was surprised to read when the movie was first released it was NOT hailed as a classic or celebrated for its art but was seen more as both a commercial and artistic failure. In the decades that have passed, as more of us have had an opportunity to look at its larger message and ponder the implications of the road not taken, the appeal of the movie has, I think, grown.

I arrived here because we won the Cold War and NATO cut the overhead. I had lived in Germany since 1976 and had a wife and two children. We had a gemutlich existence in the heart of a moderate-sized German city. 

Our two children were old enough to realize Dad's German wasn't as good as theirs (actually it was about as good as my daughter, Michelle's if you forgot that I was in my late thirties and she wasn't quite four). And then the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact collapsed and we in Western Europe thought the Age of Aquarius had dawned. Turns out it hadn't and it still hasn't, but that doesn't mean someday it won't get here-just not today.

There were hundreds and thousands of decisions that had to be made (or not made) in order for us to settle here in The Rose of New England. I cannot imagine all the ways my life has been enriched by those with whom I share my neighborhood and by the neighbors from across the city with whom I've worked with on a variety of volunteer committees. 

I'd hope I've added something to their lives as well but know better. I am humbled and grateful for what they have shared with me and realize I am who I am because of every person I have ever met on the way to who I am now.

For some, knowing me has been more of trial and error (emphasis on the latter) than either of us wish to admit. For others, a little contact goes a long way and absence makes the heart grow fonder (and so they are waiting for me to leave so they can like me). 

I lack the grace and style of Jimmy Stewart's George Bailey, though I've often attempted to lasso the moon for the love of my life. I'm not sure I could stand up to Potter the way George did and that whole 'angel gets his wings' thing gets me confused. The first Clarence I knew of growing up was a cross-eyed lion, so, child of the video age that I am, the programs sometimes get edited together and the meanings get diffused.

The days of 2019 are dwindling dwindle down with Christmas just a week from today. I think we should all look forward with both hope and confidence to what the next year brings because of what we have endured, persevered and triumphed over during this year.

I'd wish the same for you and yours: a moment of respite in the hectic days ahead to reflect at where you are and how you got here and to better appreciate that trials and tribulations to the contrary, indeed, "It's A Wonderful Life."
-bill kenny

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