Thursday, July 2, 2020

Brace for Impact

If you had 'Trump is still President' on your disasters card for 2020, in light of the first six months, as Werner Wolf more than once said, 'let's go to the videotape.' Even though the Tangerine Temper Tantrum is still the president...despite all the fecal material that has hit the fan in the first six months of a year that feels like it's been a decade but who's second half just started yesterday...

Kited from 'The Hippies Were Right' FB page
The only way the next six months could be worse than what we've already lived through would be to bite into a bag-of-dicks-and-mayonnaise on white bread sandwich. And find half a vein.
-bill kenny

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Talk to You Later

I was trying to explain to an acquaintance the other day that everyone, everywhere serves a purpose even if they don't think so. He'...