Sunday, July 5, 2020

Stack Up the Dead Until They Blot Out the Sun

The second half of 2020 has started off in the same shadow that much of the first half struggled against, the Coronavirus. By the time our Independence Day weekend comes to an end, close to 134,000 of our countrymen will have died. 

The United States leads the entire world at this moment in total deaths from this pandemic and in new cases of infection. And by 'the world' I mean, first world, third world, whatcha-got-for-me-world, you name it, we're the champions. Not a single one of those "shithole countries" comes anywhere near our rate of infection. I don't know about your state of mind during Election 2016, but I envisioned the meaning of #Winning very differently. 

And yet here we are. 

Led by a "C" List TV celebrity (at best on a good day, downhill with the wind at his back) who not only distrusts and mistrusts science, he is dismissive of any knowledge in any subject. This outcome was foreseeable by everyone except him and the disaffected deplorables who follow his "Me First!" flag and whom he has encouraged on a daily basis to plumb new depths of greedy grasping and ignorance and arrogance as they celebrate their collective achievement of making us an international laughingstock and pariah at the same time. More #Winning. 

Not sure who needs to read this and why this is so hard to understand: there is no vaccine and there is no medication. Right now wearing a facemask and exercising other personal protection precautions is the best we have. And yet, we choose to refuse and thus exacerbate our already precarious situation 

On the weekend we celebrated some truths to be self-evident, even the Mango Mussolini conceded wearing a face mask could save lives, though it's possible Clayton Moore, to whom Trump compared himself, might disagree on how to wear that mask. After all, as Better Midler so astutely noted, Moore's mask has two eyeholes while Trump's mask has one asshole.
-bill kenny

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