Sunday, July 12, 2020


If you're outraged at Covidiot's commutation of the Monopoly Moron's prison sentence, do yourself (and me) a favor and stop it. It's not important in the bigger scheme of things. As for General Flynn and his inevitable pardon for crimes he confessed to, fuck him. As a matter of fact, looking at the long list of malevolent miscreants who've served under the flag of kleptocracy of the Mango Mussolini, ignore them.

Stay focused on the real deal. We have a greedy grasping grifter with zero integrity and even less competence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. His feckless recklessness and reckless fecklessness are getting people, not just Americans, killed every day. 

Be it from institutionalized racism, malignant xenophobia, craven cowardice or arrogant ignorance, there is no one succeeding right now in anything vaguely resembling the pursuit of happiness. Take solace that his coterie of career criminals will ultimately bear the mark of Cain and find themselves in a lake of fire just a little south of Hades after the November 3rd election, but put a pin in your anger as we slouch towards Bethlehem. 

All of it is no more than some sleight of hand carnival barker's trick. All of the speeches, the tweets, the calculated cruelty to the defenseless, and disenfranchised are nothing more than shiny objects to distract us from the core issue: Trump's manifest and criminal unsuitability for the position he is in. 

Stop firing off social media comments about your anger. Save it, harness it and use it to inspire you to help sign up those who chose to absent themselves from the electoral process in 2016, ignoring the simple fact that elections are decided by those who show up. 

Instead, make sure you, me, them, and EVERYONE who can vote does vote on Election Day to assign the Tangerine Temper Tantrum to the dustbin of history. #8645110320.
-bill kenny     


William Kenny said...

It's harder to see if I'm wearing a hat.

Adam Kenny said...

...what Lee said :)

Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

Many, if not most, of us are familiar with the poem " Trees ."  I've always enjoyed it for, among other reasons, because I gre...