Saturday, July 4, 2020

The First of Many

Yes, I know today is Independence Day. More on that in a moment, but a LOT closer to home, Happy  Anniversary to Patrick and Jena who are celebrating their first today (pretty clever getting married on the Fourth of July especially if you remain committed to ensuring and assuring you always have indoor fireworks). Sigrid and I love you and wish you every happiness. Always.

And now to the holiday that's unlike any in my memory, and probably yours. Here's a picture from last year's Harbor Fireworks in Norwich (I'm not sure of the photographer but it is lovely, isn't it?) to compensate for the dearth of fireworks and images of them for this year.

Here's to better days with some new music to help us get there.
-bill kenny 

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Man or Mouse?

We see ourselves as the self-anointed 'Crown of Creation.' I'm surprised more of us don't have dislocated shoulders from pat...