Tuesday, August 3, 2021

It Doesn't Have to Be a Cape

When I was a kid I adored George Reeves, the original star of the original (black and white) television series, The Adventures of Superman. As a child, I found it perfectly logical and accepted without question that when he donned his disguise which appeared to be nothing more than a pair of glasses, no one, not even his Main Squeeze, Lois Lane, could suss his secret identity. 

My recollection is that it was Jack Larson, who played the cub reporter, Jimmy Olsen, who came closest to figuring it all by observing how odd it was that we never saw Clark Kent and Superman at the same time.  

But as much as I loved Superman, I never wanted to grow up to be him or like him because I knew I couldn't. I wasn't born on Krypton, but in New York City, and no matter how many bath towels or even bed sheets I tied around my neck as a cape, I knew I could never fly. 

And now, here we are, at the start of August of 2021 after hoping by this time last year we'd be well on the peak to normal, sliding and backsliding against COVID-19, continuing to argue among ourselves about where this plague came from instead of doing everything in our power to make it history. 

You don't have to be more powerful than a locomotive or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Just stop being a maskhole and if you aren't already, get vaccinated
-bill kenny

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