Saturday, November 13, 2021

With the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster We Get Pasta

I don't know if End Days are coming. 

I mean, let me rephrase that with apologies to James McMurty, 'Every day's the end of days for some,'  And when you've been wandering in the desert without manna or water or even a shred of hope for either for as long as I have (thanks, Google Maps!) you can get surprised at how much Religion, capitalized because as Lenny Bruce once called it, it's Religions, Inc., has changed. 

It's a fine line between the Prince of Peace and Pasta, but some of us are walking it like Duna riding a bicycle (bell on the handle sold separately, Garp). And if you look upward while praying to whomever it is you are offering adjurations, then the Aetherius Society might be your cup (and flying saucer) of tea. 

Neither Tom Cruise nor John Travolta is listed as a member, so it already has that going for it.
-bill kenny

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