Monday, November 8, 2021

My Grant Rant

When did Americans become so very difficult and at times impossible? How come we have so many problems that transcend animus to become full-blown enmity with one another and what can we possibly have against all the horses we rode in on?

Seriously, if this country were a reality TV show, and I'm NOT saying it's not, we'd be sitting in our living rooms frantically hitting the button on the clicker and changing the channel to anything, even QVC in ASL.  

If you haven't noticed on any excursion of any duration outside your bubble, a lot of our stuff is, to put it plainly, broke-ass. We have flooding, collapsed buildings, broken bridges, potholes in the streets that aren't yet destroyed, sewers that don't sewer, and pipes that burst combined with wires that of those that aren't crossed are burned out and we've neither the talent nor the inclination, it seems, to fix any of it.

When did infrastructure become partisan and when are the rest of us going to tell the folks who insist that it is that they need to sit the fuqq down and shut the fuqq up? 

Wanting paved streets, healthy children, safe neighborhoods, good schools, well-paying jobs with benefits and dignity, adequate food with clean water, and equal opportunity for everyone should be just some of our common goals. And only some.
There's a lot more to do, so #ThankYouBrandon.
-bill kenny

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