Thursday, December 9, 2021

Lilies of the Field

I was told 'the Lord helps those who help themselves.' I've also read where the Lord gave us two pockets to put all His blessings in. I'm not suggesting either expression is related to one another or to any organized religion or theology with which you may be familiar, but Jeepers, Wally.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I will admit to having a more than jaundiced view of preachers and teachers who operate mega-churches. I wanted you to know that before I also note that it looks to me like the Right Reverend Joel Osteen, he of the 'People So White We Glow in the Dark Church' may have decided to help himself

I cannot wait to read the origins story on this money, although I won't be surprised if I never do. Just another part of that 'moves in mysterious ways' about which I've read so much. 

As for that render unto Caesar dictum, don't even get me started
-bill kenny

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Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

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