Sunday, August 21, 2022

Primal Drive

The first car I ever owned was a 1962 Corvair Monza, part of the Corvair family dubbed by Ralph Nadar, 'Unsafe at Any Speed.' He was right, of course, as in the winter you had to drive it with a window rolled down or the carbon monoxide exhaust would kill you. 

My next car was a 1971 Ford Pinto. Mine was a brilliant car though that was not the case for far too many of them where the gas tank placement turned them into bombs on wheels. 

I mention those two because despite them I do love cars even if as I've aged I understand less and less about any and all aspects of motor vehicles. We leased a 2022 Subaru Forester in March precisely because I fear being overwhelmed by the mechanical and technical complexity of just about any vehicle I would drive, and the lease comes with bumper-to-bumper maintenance. 

I've owned a Chevrolet, a Ford, a Volkswagon, two BMWs, an Isuzu, a Mitsubishi, and four Subarus. I found an article that probably tells you more about who I am by my choice of cars than I'd like, but if cornered, I'd still insist I'm a gearhead, even if I probably no longer know what that means.
-bill kenny   

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