Thursday, November 10, 2022

Never Have I Ever

I think no matter where you live you've played a variant of Truth or Dare at some point in your life. Looking back at seven-plus decades I'm reconciling myself to the idea that I've been involved in a very prolonged game of it for decades at a time it seems. As a matter of fact, I'm so good at it I may not always realize I'm still playing.

Got stuck early on in the verse about 'please her, please him, buy gifts, don't steal, don't lift, twenty years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift.' As it happened, I was a bit light on the education but made up for it with the shi(f)t work. 

However. Something I've told myself I'd love to do is check out hot air balloons like these, except even while typing that statement I will also acknowledge I don't like flying in airplanes and some of the longest moments of my life have been in helicopters while either shooting video or just being a passenger.  

And yet, the attraction remains. Maybe it should be called Truth and Dare?
-bill kenny 

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