Sunday, March 12, 2023

Für Immer und Ewig

Today is my wife's birthday. 

Sigrid is remarkable because she is a force of nature as much as my wife. I am not, as you may have already surmised from any previous visits to this page, the easiest person with whom to share the planet, much less a life and a bed.

She is my human credential in the sense that she creates and sustains a life for me and our children which allows me to put on this 'Hail Fellow, Well Met! Man of the World" artifice every morning, give my time to total assholes strangers day in and day out and at the end of all of that be the person I intended to be when we fell in love.

I will never have enough money, talent, good lucks, or any of the conventional advantages and attributes to give her all that she deserves. We both know that and yet she has chosen to be the most important part of my life and is the only thing that matters to me and as long as she is in my life, my life is complete and fulfilling. 

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